how's this for a first family portrait? {Hannah + Alex Lifestyle Newborn Family session}

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Hannah & I began planning their family session just before baby brother was born & it was actually their first time getting a professional family portrait! so after getting to know Hannah a little bit, we knew the Lost & Found studio would be the perfect spot for them!

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typically it takes some coaching, but this bunch just got it - it was super relaxed, even though big sister had to be extra brave! & ohmygoshyouguys! it was SO. MUCH. FUN!!

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what I will tell you, is that being a big sister is sometimes a really brave thing. sweet girl was a little hesitant at first, she wasn’t even sure she wanted to be in any photographs! yep, even wearing this pretty twirly dress - she wasn’t interested.

so we gave her some space & focused our time a little bit on baby brother…he stayed snoozing for the most part, but we for sure got some bright eyed moments in!

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eventually we got momma in…& then daddy…& eventually, that brave big sister joined & the rest of their session flowed like a dream…

between the dance parties, snuggle breaks, & giggle fits…it really was magic; listen, this crew made my job way too easy! & it was one of those sessions that just has me feeling so inspired!

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I loooooove it when a family session flows like this because it’s authentic, it’s emotive {are your cheeks hurting? do these photos make you feel warm & fuzzy?} & it’s just them. ahhhhhhhh, magic.

& this studio…it’s light & airy…but soft & cozy. it was the perfect little oasis for this incredible family’s special milestone!

& knowing big sister’s reservations, I handled guiding through each position super gracefully. aware of her boundaries, I paid close attention during those moments where she really let her guard down {& when she basically forgot I was there for a moment….}

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if you want to get into my head a little bit: I dont feel that the perfect portrait is when everyone is looking & smiling, didn’t break any photography “rules”, & everyone is in focus:

it’s the shot that has you paused in that moment in time…replaying all the little details that led up to that captured, fleeting, micro-moment. it’s the picture that leaves that tear in your eye. it’s the snapshot that you want to relive…over. and over. and over again. it’s the photograph that leaves you grinning from ear to ear. it’s an image you can smell, you can FEEL all the textures, & you can hear every sound.

you - YES YOU - deserve portraits with the most important people in your world like these!

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Houston, we have a destination wedding! {Houston Wedding - TradeWinds Island Grand Resort St. Pete Beach, Florida}


the whole squad is vibrating higher, are you in?