the whole squad is vibrating higher, are you in?


life has had me such a busy little bee as of late & i was feeling a little “chicken with it’s head cut off” today after I finished up some work this afternoon. & so, in beautiful synchronicity, my littlest pulled out my affirmation cards for me to read. it’s funny because just before she handed me these, I was asking her to put them away so she didn’t bend them & clean up her I listened to this obvious nudge & planted my tushy on my comfy porch throne for the rest of the afternoon (layered in blankies because Midwest springs be like) listening to the sounds of the wind chimes & the girls playing & laughing outside & just s l o w i n g   down.

I’m so grateful for the blessing of “busy”, but I chose to be kind to myself today. which ended up allowing myself the  s p a c e  for magic & inspiration &…. collaboration....

oh; there’s more to come - but I’m ready to take my passion of empowering & helping others to the next level, alongside these powerhouse women with their dope energy & using my craft to do so is an actual dream come true.

maybe I’ve said too much... but until I can spill the whole can of beans, you need to check out this incredible event that I’m co-hosting with some successful, inspiring, courageous & POWERFUL women! {& the best part, we are donating a portion of ticket sales to the Family Violence Prevention Center of Greene County.

Network with like-minded women. Participate in breakthrough self-love activities. Shop Small. Give back to our Community. Take time for YOU.”

Empowering women, inner healing, & self care campaigns are super trendy right now...& honestly, I’m so glad that they are & fully believe that they SHOULD be. however this invites, well, just overall missing the mark. what the general message {& in turn, the masses) is missing is the depth & what empowerment & self acceptance truly looks like & means - beyond the surface.

how is that goal even reached without the resources to dig deep enough?

we came together & put all of our hearts & souls into creating an event that hit all of those levels of what this trendy movement truly is & the magic it can bring. not just the surface, commercialized stuff shoved in our faces. this event is all encompassing of this act of service for one’s self.

"Do you wish you could spend a day with like-minded women, having fun, enjoying delicious foods, and supporting local businesses, all while giving back to the community?”


this is just the beginning of what i see for us group of ladies, i don’t believe in coincidences whatsoever & no holding back. we are going all in & ready to spread alllllll of our light! we would LOVE for you to join us on this groundbreaking adventure & for the Ultimate Girls Day full of pampering, healing, growth, networking & belly laughs! {for my foodies, can’t forget the snacks & bevvies!}


how's this for a first family portrait? {Hannah + Alex Lifestyle Newborn Family session}


a gift for the Pettifords